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Quality Assurance and Performance Department

The department works to implement the educational quality assurance system in all educational, research, and other activities of the college. This is to ensure the delivery of high-quality academic programs and to achieve excellence in this field. The department includes a laboratory accreditation unit


Driving Excellence in Computer Science Education

The College of Computer Science and Information Technology will continue its positive contribution to the progress of the University of Karbala by offering high-quality academic programs in both undergraduate and postgraduate studies. It aims to enhance research capabilities and actively engage in local and international partnerships to promote the production and dissemination of knowledge.


Driving Excellence in Computer Science Education

Leadership and innovation in higher education, scientific research, and community service at both local and international levels

Objectives of the Department
  1. Work towards achieving the college’s mission and its strategic goals by ensuring the quality of the educational, research, and community processes in the college.
  2. Harmonize various activities, programs, and projects aimed at developing the educational process.
  3. Promote a culture of quality and accreditation assurance among faculty members, their assistants, administrative staff, and students of the university.
  4. Apply accreditation standards and quality control at the college, its departments, and affiliated administrative units.
  5. Gain the community’s trust in graduates according to international standards that satisfy the community’s expectations for performance quality and knowledge diversity.
  6. Strengthen the relationship between the university and the community to develop and improve the services provided by the college.
  7. Collaborate and strengthen ties with local, regional, and international quality assurance and accreditation institutions.
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