The Registration and Student Affairs Division is one of the most important administrative divisions in the college, whose tasks are divided into several units that are administratively linked to the dean of the college through the assistant dean for scientific affairs and graduate studies, and one of its most prominent tasks is to take care of the affairs of students from their admission to the college until their graduation. It deals with all matters related to student affairs, as it takes upon itself to receive and register students in accordance with ministerial instructions and then issue administrative orders for their admission, grandfather students, failure orders, etc.
This division exists to serve students and fulfill their legitimate requests, which are guaranteed by ministerial instructions and laws that guarantee their rights
The Registration Division is the gateway to the college and the artery of the college that deals with students and everything related to their affairs. It must be streamlined and flexible in accomplishing work and dealing, accompanied by avoiding routine and adopting modern technologies to ensure the student’s right and access to information in a timely manner.