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Personal Info.

Academic Rank: Assist. Prof.

Language(s): Arabic and English

Place of work: Computer Science Department – College of Computer Science and Information Technology –University of Kerbala

اذهب إلى التعليم.

B.Sc. (Computer Science), Babylon University, IRAQ (1996).

M.Sc. (Computer Science), Babylon University, IRAQ (2003).

Ph.D.(Computer Science), Babylon University, IRAQ (2013).

Courses Taught

Structured Programming.

Computer Organization.

Computing Theory.

Data Structures.

Design and Analysis of algorithm.

Artificial Intelligence.

Compiler design.

Machine Learning.

Artificial Intelligence


اResearch Interests

Data Mining and Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Text Steganography, Data security, Social media data analysis, Computer Graphics, Automata theory and formal languages, Text analysis, Evolutionary Algorithms

● Dhamyaa A. AL-Nasrawi et al, Improvement of “Text Steganography Based on Unicode of Characters in Multilingual” by Custom Font with Special Properties., IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 870 (2020) 012125

● Dhamyaa A. AL-Nasrawi et al, Iraqi Colloquial Dialect Dictionary Corpus Creation, Analyzing and Translation., IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 870 (2020) 012133


● Dhamyaa A. AL-Nasrawi et al, New Cryptographic System of Romanized Arabic Text Based on Modified Playfiar. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol. 14, Issue.4: 1331-1338.


● Dhamyaa A. AL-Nasrawi et al, Cryptographic system based on Unicode. Journal of Physics, Conf. Series 1032 (2018) 012049.

● Dhamyaa A. AL-Nasrawi et al, Rule Based Method of Name Entity Recognition for Matching Allah’s Finest Names in Holy Quran. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol. 13, Issue.10: 3618-3623.


● Dhamyaa A. AL-Nasrawi et al, Characters Map for Cuneiform Writing System.Journal of Kerbala University,Vol. 7, No.1 (2016)141-152.

● Dhamyaa A. AL-Nasrawi et al, Digital Handwriting Imitation of the Fourth Caliph (Imam Ali Bin Abi Taleb).International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications(JDCTA), Vol. 10, No.3.(2016) 42-59.


● Dhamyaa A. AL-Nasrawi et al, From Arabic Alphabets to 2-Dimension Shapes in KuficCalligraphy Style Using Grid Board Catalog.Communications in Applied Sciences, Vol. 3, No.2.(2015) 42-59.


● Dhamyaa A. AL-Nasrawi et al, Unicode Text Editor for Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs Writing System.Egyptian Computer Science Journal , Vol. 38, No.2May.(2014) 48-55.

● Dhamyaa A. AL-Nasrawi et al, Decorative Plates Drawing Using Context Free Design Grammars (CFDG). EUROPEAN ACADEMIC RESEARCH, Vol. 1, Issue 11 Feb.(2014) 4841-4852.


● Dhamyaa A. AL-Nasrawi et al, Data Hiding Method for English Scripts Using Ligature Characters Unicode.European Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.112, No.4 Oct.(2013) 452-459.

● Dhamyaa A. AL-Nasrawi et al, Data Hiding Method in Ignored Processing Area of Microsoft Compound Document File Format, EUROPEAN ACADEMIC RESEARCH, Vol.1, Issue 7 Oct. (2013)1728-1741.

● Dhamyaa A. AL-Nasrawi et al,Text Steganography Based On Unicode of Characters in Multilingual, International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA), Vol. 3, Issue 4, Jul-Aug (2013) 1153-1165.

● Dhamyaa A. AL-Nasrawi et al, Text Steganography Based On Font Type In Ms-Word Documents, Journal of Computer Science,Vol. 9, No.7 (2013) 898-904.

● Dhamyaa A. AL-Nasrawi et al, Evolutionary Algorithm Implementation for Good Graph Drawing(Graph Aesthetics)Using Fuzzy Fitness Function,Journal of Karbala University, Vol. 0, No.0 (2013) 259-270.

● Dhamyaa A. AL-Nasrawi et al, Using 2-Dimension Transformations as Artistic Tools for Designing Geometrical Islamic Ornamentation,Journal of Karbala University,Vol. 11, No.1 (2013)1-11, Arabic.


● Dhamyaa A. AL-Nasrawi, The Game of flips with three coins as Finite State Automata(FSA), Journal of College of Education, The University of Mustansiriyah, Vol. 1, No.34 (2009) 295-299.

● Dhamyaa A. AL-Nasrawi et al, Survival for Fittest Vs. Diversity in Genetic Search Applied in Assignment Problem Solving, Journalof Kerbala University,Vol. 7, No.1 (2009)141-152.

● Dhamyaa A.AL-Nasrawi et al, Design and Implementation Attractive Tools For Coloring IRAQI’s Political Map With Minimum Cost, Journalof Kerbala University, (2009).


● Dhamyaa A. AL-Nasrawi, Ahmed A. Al-Asady, The Analyzing of Huffman Code in Lossless Compression using variable length coding,Journal of Karbala University,(2008).


● DhamyaaA. AL-Nasrawi et al, Effect of crossover and mutation probabilities on solving traveling salesman problem (TSP) in Genetic Algorithm,Journal of Kerbala University, (2007).

● The Eighth Scientific Conference of Babylon University, 23-25April, 2002, Babylon City, Iraq.

● The Fourth Yearly Scientific Conference of Kerbala University, 19-20 April, 2008, Karbala City, Iraq.

● The First Symposium of Computer Department, Science College- Karbala University 2012, Karbala City, Iraq.

● The First Scientific Conference of College Science of Kerbala University, 13-14 March 2013, Karbala City, Iraq.

● The Fourth Scientific Conference of College Science of Kerbala University, 24-25 Feb. 2016, Karbala City, Iraq.

● The Sixth Scientific Conference of College Science of Kerbala University, 21-22 Feb. 2018, Karbala City, Iraq.

● The First International Conference and advanced Technology, 11-12 Feb. 2020, Assiut University, Assiut City, Egypt.