Academic Rank: Assistant lecturer
Language(s): Arabic/English
Place of work: Computer Science Department – College of Computer Science and Information Technology – University of Kerbala.
Sc. in Computer Science.2001-2002 from Babylon University
Sc. in Software Engineering, College of Computer Science and Information Technology in University Putra Malaysia , Malaysia (11 Nov. 2014)
Student in University of Babylon
Courses Taught
Data Structure
Software Engineering
Mobile Computing
اهتمامات البحث
Software Engineering
● Noori, S., Al-A’Araji, N., & Al-Shamery, E. (2021). Identifying protein complexes from protein–protein interaction networks based on the gene expression profile and core-attachment approach. Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 2150009.
● Noori, S., Al-A’araji, N., & Al-Shamery, E. (2021). SETS: A Seed-Dense-Expanding Model-Based Topological Structure for the Prediction of Overlapping Protein Complexes. Pertanika Journal of Science & Technology, 29(2). Albaldawi, W., & Almuttairi, R. (2020).
● Noori, S., Mansor, E. I., Ibrahim, N., & Hinds, J. (2016, August). Promoting awareness of depression with a mobile application: A usability study and evaluation. In 2016 4th International Conference on User Science and Engineering (i-USEr) (pp. 57-62). IEEE.
● Rostami, S., Alabadi, S., Noori, S., Shihab, H. A., Arshad, K., & Rapajic, P. (2016). Spectrum Assignment Algorithm for Cognitive Machine-to-Machine Networks. Mobile Information Systems, 2016.
● Noori, S. (2017). Linked List vs. AVL Tree in Modulo Ten Search. International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS), 15(8).
● Soheir Noori, Aida Mustapha, Idrees Lateef, Sarah Abbas, Aida Al-Quswa Mohamad, Naive Bayes Analysis to Emotion in MySpace. Aust. J. Basic & Appl. Sci., 8(17): 151-154, 2014
Arabic text classification using master-slaves technique,
The Sixth Scientific Conference “Renewable Energy and its Applications”, IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1032 (2018) 012052 doi :10.1088/1742-6596/1032/1/012052.
Iraqi Colloquial Dialect Dictionary Corpus Creation, Analyzing and Translation, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 870 012133, 2020.