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الرتبة الأكاديمية : Assistant Lecturer

اللغات : Arabic – French – English

مكان العمل : جامعة كربلاء – كلية علوم الحاسوب وتكنولوجيا المعلومات – قسم علوم الحاسوب


• BSc (Computer Science), University of Karbala, Iraq (2012).

• MSc (Computer Science), University of Babylon, Iraq (2019).

• PhD (Computer Science), University of Babylon, Iraq (2023).

• Z Ahmed, S Adil, S Al-Alak (2019), ECC Based Blind Steganography-DNA for Hidden Information, Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 14 (8), 10240-10244


• ZA Kadhuim, S Al-Janabi (2022 ), Prediction Type of Codon Effect in Each Disease Based on Intelligent Data Analysis Techniques, International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems, 222-236


• ZA Kadhuim, S Al-Janabi (2023), Codon-mRNA prediction using deep optimal neurocomputing technique (DLSTM-DSN-WOA) and multivariate analysis, Results in Engineering 17, 100847.

• ZA Kadhuim, S Al-Janabi (2023), Intelligent deep analysis of DNA sequences based on FFGM to enhance the performance and reduce the computation, Egyptian Informatics Journal 24 (2), 173-190.

• S Al-Janabi, ZA Kadhuim (2023), More-SPEED: Enhancing Protein Activity Prediction from DNA Sequences, Iraqi Journal For Computer Science and Mathematics 4 (4), 43-62.

Courses Taught

Data Structures

Computer assembly