Academic Rank : Professor
Languages : Arabic – English
Place of Work : University of Karbala – College of Computer Science and Information Technology – Department of Computer Science
1- Bachelor of Applied Mathematics, University of Technology
2- Master of Computer Science, University of Babylon
3- PhD in Computer Science, University of Babylon
Former Head of Computer Science Department, Faculty of Science
Supervision of graduate students
Discussions for graduate students
Scientific evaluation of postgraduate theses and dissertations
Scientific evaluation of research and promotions
Teaching undergraduate studies
Information security
Image processing
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Advanced Network Security
Research Methodology
1 -BKAL-Shukur, “design and generate hybrid non-linear keys ,” Journal of Babylon University, 2002.
2-BKAL-Shukur, MASalman, “ Design and evaluate non-linear generator using filtration method ”, 2002.
3- BKAL-Shukur, “Constructing and Generating a Hybrid Non-Linear Keys”, Journal of Babylon University, vol.10, 2005.
4- BKAL-Shakur , “Design and Evaluation Complex Non-Linear Generator Using Filtration ”, Journal of Babylon University, vol.10, 2005.
5 – BKAL-Shukur, “ Design and characterizing key generator using statistical test to measure the randomness ,” Journal of Babylon University, vol.6, 2006.
6- BKAL-Shakur, H. M. S. Salman, “ Data compression using Berlkamp-massy algorithms”, Journal of Babylon University, 2006.
7- BKAL-Shakur, ESAL-Shamary, HRMohamed, “A Time Delay Neural Network for Recognition of the Stop and Nasal Approach Arabic”, Journal of Babylon University, vol.11, 2006.
8- BKAL-Shakur, HMJaafer , “Method for Hiding Text in Color Image ”, Journal of Babylon University, vol.11, 2006.
9- BKAL-Shukur , “Encryption of Audio File Using Block Cipher,” Journal of Babylon University, No.1, Vol.14, 2007.
10- BKAL-Shukur, “Hiding Text in Text by Using Multiple Cryptography Algorithms , ” Journal of Babylon University, 2008.
11- E.AL-Shamery, B.AL-Kanimy, H.AL-Mamory, “ Palm Print Recognition Based on Winner Take All Neural Network ”, Proceeding of ISIVC, 2008.
12- BKAL-Shukur , “Utilizing Hybrid Method for Edge detection”, Journal of AL-Qadisiya University , vol.1, 2008.
13-S.Zaki, B.K.Shukur,”Utilizing a FCM Algorithm and RLE for YUV image Compression”, Journal Technics, No.10, 2008 .
14- AMAL-Bakry , BKAL-Shukur , “Utilizing Hybrid Methods for Video Image Compression”, AICIT, VOL.5, NO.11, November 30, ISSN: 1975-9339, 2011.
15- NHAL-Aaraj, AMAL-Bakry, BKAL-Shukur , “Design a Hybrid Fuzzy Clustering System for MRI Medical Images”, AICIT, 2011.
16- NHAL-Aaraj, AMAL-Bakry, BKAL-Shukur , “ON a Tumor Brain Image Classification”, AICIT, 2011.
17-Baheja K. Shukur, Hadab Khalid Obayes, Firas Sabah AL-Turaihi, “ Face Recognition Using Error Back Propagation Neural Network-Based Haar Wavelet and Moment Invariants Selected Features , ” Archives Des Sciences, Vol.66, No. 4;Apr 2013.
18-Baheja K.Shukur, “ Employing hybrid methods for compression color images , ” Journal of Karbala University, No.91, Vol.2877, 2013.
19-Baheja K. Shukur, Mahmoud Shaker, Hadab Khalid Obayes, “ Web classification based features extracted and K-NN algorithm ,” British Journal of Science, April 2013, Vol. 8(2).
20- Bahijakhudaiershukur, hiba Mohammed jafaar, Anwar JaaferMoosa, “ A Novel Steganography Method for a Secret True Image ”, International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, Volume 6, Issue 4 (March 2013), PP. 65-73.
21- Bahijakhudaiershukur, SuraZakiNaji, “Evaluation Clustering Image Using Steady State Genetic and Hybrid K-Harmonic Clustering Algorithms,” Journal of technology University, No.560, Iraq journal of computer, communication, control & system engineering, 2013.
22- Baheja Kadhiur, Asst. Prof. Dr.Baheja K.Shukur, Swasan Hadi, W. Al-Hameed, “An Efficient Approach Implementation To Image Compression And Encryption”, International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications (ISSN: 1975-9339), 2015.
23- Bahigah Khudair, Zainab Abdullah & Sawsan Hadi, “Design and Implementation of a New Encryption System for True Image”. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Volume 11, Issue 10, 2016.
24- Baheja K.Shukur, Intissar Hamid & Sawsan Hadi, “Design and Implementation Secure System Based on Mixed Technologies”,COMSCET in DUABI 2018.
25- Prof. Dr. Eng. Sattar B. Sadkhan,Dr. Baheeja K. AL-Shukur, Ali k. Mattar “Survey of Biometric Based Key Generation to Enhance Security of Cryptosystems”, Al-Sadeq International Conference on Multidisciplinary in IT and Communication Science andApplications (AIC-MITCSA) – IRAQ (9-10) May, 2016.
26- Dr.Baheja K.Shukur & Hussain Ali Hussian,”An Efficient Methods For Hiding SecureImage In Image”,COMSCET) in DUABI,2017.
27- Prof. Dr. Eng. Sattar B. Sadkhan,Dr. Baheeja K. AL-Shukur, Ali k. Mattar,
“Human Voice Extracted Biometric Features: What Can be Used for”, International Conference on Current Research in Computer Science and Information Technology (ICCIT), Slemani – Iraq, 2017.
28- Dr.Baheja K.Shukur & Hussain Ali Hussian, “An Efficient Methods For Hiding Secure Image In Image”, COMSCET) in DUABI, 2017.
29-Ali Abbas Alkhazraji, K. Baheeja, Asia Mahdi Nasser Alzubaidi,” Ancient textural restoration using deep neural networks. A literature review”, Al-Sadiq International Conference on communication and information technology, 2023.
30- Hussein A. Ismael1, Nabeel H. Al-A’araji1, Baheja Khudair Shukur, “Enhanced the prediction approach of diabetes using an autoencoder with regularization and deep neural network”, Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Vol. 10, No. 6, December 2022, pp. 156-167.
31- Hussein A. Ismael, Nabeel H. Al-A’araji, Baheja khudair shukur, “An Enhanced Diabetic Foot Ulcer Classification Approach Using GLCM and
Deep Convolution Neural Network”, H.A. Ismael et al. / Karbala International Journal of Modern Science 8 (2022) 682e691.
32-ImanS. Razaq, BahejaK. Shukur, “Combining wavelet transforms features and high‑level features using CNN for face morphing attack detection,” Int. j. inf. tecnol. (October 2023) 15(7):3957–3966
33- Iman Saleem, Bahja Khudair Shukr,” Techniques and Challenges for Generation and Detection Face Morphing Attacks: A Survey”, Iraqi Journal of Science, 2023, Vol. 64, No. 1, pp: 385-404
DOI: 10.24996/ijs.2023.64.1.36.
34- ImanS. Razaq, BahejaK. Shukur,” Improved Face Morphing Ace Morphing Attack Detection Method Using PCA and ttack Detection Method Using PCA and
Convolutional Neural Network “,/ Karbala International Journal of Modern Science, Volume 9 Issue 2 Article 15,2023
-Al-Sadeq International Conference on Multidisciplinary in IT and Communication Science and Applications
3-COMSCET in Malaysia